Doug Colvard: Cryptocurrency and Tokens
by Lea | August 28, 2018 | Funding | 0 Comments About Doug Colvard: Bio Doug Colvard is a lawyer with Fourscore Business Law and primarily practices in the areas of corporate and business law. Prior to joining in 2018, Doug worked...
Jim Verdonik and Benji Jones: Tokenized Security Offerings
by Lea | March 23, 2018 | Funding | 0 Comments
Topic Background: What is a Security Token? From Investopedia A security token is a portable device that authenticates a person’s identity electronically by storing some sort of personal information. The owner plugs the security token into a system to grant...
Jim Verdonik and Benji Jones: Blockchains, Cryptocurrency and Initial Coin Offerings
by Lea | October 24, 2017 | Funding | 0 Comments
JIM VERDONIK and BENJI JONES Jim Verdonik and Benji Jones lead Ward and Smith P. A.’s Securities and Fintech groups. These groups include Crowdfunding Blockchain/COINS teams. We are also...